Never Settle

From A Simple Click

A lot of our inner conflict is a result of having too much time on our hands.

It’s a hellhole.

Waking up and not knowing what to do.

Doing things creates harmony. That is what we were designed to do.

Our need for distraction is just our need to get into a task-positive mode so that we’re not trapped inside our own head. You can achieve this by working out, playing games, or doing good in the world.

One action leads to another and another. Flow.

We get used to being in an “energy efficient” state. But the brain was not designed to be still and do nothing. It’s on high alert all the time. And if there is no threats, it will create it’s own threats out of nothing.

If you feel helpless and that life is meaningless, it’s not your fault. It’s because you haven’t been taught how to direct yourself. You have too much time on your hands.

The solution is simple. Just do stuff.

Eventually you will get to a point where you have responsibilities and the tasks you perform cannot come at the cost of those greater responsibilities. Your options will be limited and this is a good thing. Too many options creates overwhelm. E.g. If a CEO decided to get passionate about coding, it requires a lot of time and attention which will come at the cost of the overall project they are overseeing as CEO. So your minor tasks and hobbies cannot come at the cost of your overall purpose.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is sit and reflect. Reflect on what is the best thing you can do and formulate a game plan that you can then use as a framework going forward.

Settling is, on an emotional level, saying “It’s good enough.” It’s a compromise where you are comfortable with what you have rather than pushing yourself to do more.

All of our brains work exactly the same way. Our neural wiring follows the path of least resistance. We do what is more like to be done based on our conditioning. Why do so many people settle and so few people continue to push themselves to do great things? Because for those few people who do great things, pushing themselves is their path of least resistance. The idea of settling causes more dissonance than pushing themselves.

Why do people settle? Perhaps because they lack confidence in their capacity.

Never settle. Pair this with being in a flow state and you will be unstoppable.

Flow, action-oriented, never settle. Done.