Being Outside Your Head

From A Simple Click
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Approach problems outside of your head. Meaning, without your beliefs, emotions, and motives.

Every belief you hold is being inside your head.

How do you get outside your head? Don’t you need these things to have direction in life?

You can get direction by gaining perspective - not just your own subjective perspective.

You train yourself to always be outside your head and let perspective guide your action, using cogni projection.

This gives you the benefit of having choiceless awareness. You no longer get stuck on your own subjective ideas and you just act based on what is objectively right.

You can look at life from all kinds of different angles that creates a more well-rounded view of the world and reality.

Most people approach a problem from inside their heads - they make connections using their own personal experience which comes with a lifetime of attachments, conditioning, etc. It’s not an accurate map of reality.

This map is actually your identity. It’s the belief of what you think is important in life.

When you approach a problem outside your head, you don’t make connections using your own subjectivity, you make connections as a result of the perspective you’ve gained by looking at the problem from different angles.

When you feel threatened, whether real or perceived, you are more likely to get stuck inside your head and your awareness shrinks. When you feel safe, you are more able to get outside of your head.

Not getting enough sleep, exercise, or proper nutrition can also cause your awareness to shrink and you lose the ability to be outside your head.

With proper perspective, by being outside your head, you can examine your fears and overcome them rather than being stuck in your head and backwards rationalizing.

It comes with constant practice because there will be certain triggers that will fire that neural wiring that will get you stuck back inside your head.

Meditation is one way of dealing with things from inside your head, but it’s not the best way. Perspective is better because it’s the next step after getting outside your head.

Detach yourself and don’t look at your beliefs and emotions as your own. Don’t identify with your story.

You step outside of your own experience and you see things truly from a third person perspective or someone else's perspective with a completely blank slate.

This allows you to do things for other people, not because of guilt or because it makes you feel better but because it's truly the right thing to do.

This concept of being outside your head is the core building blocks to understanding your true self and reality.

This is truly the first step to making progress towards making sense.

When you're outside your head, you will accept life as it comes at you one moment at a time without defaulting to coping mechanisms and faulty beliefs. You stop being attached to your beliefs and opinions, you don't get caught up in your own emotions. If you're presented data that forces you to change your view, you just change your view.

You stop being attached to what you want to achieve leading you to being less outcome dependent and more result oriented.

You start seeing yourself for what you are. You are your experiences, your environment, and what was required for those experiences to emerge. You begin following the path that led stardust to evolve into what you are. Following this trajectory is what you're designed to do.

Here's a test to see if you're fully outside your head. If you look at a terrorist and cannot understand that person, then you are stuck inside your head. Anyone with similar brain chemistry and life experiences would have turned out the same way. There is a reason why that person became a terrorist.

You don't have to agree with them, but understanding them is crucial to your growth.